The third demo day took place on March 5, 2022 and the focus was taking down the suspended ceilings in the basement fellowship hall and the new narthex. By the end of the day, all of the remaining ceiling tiles were removed and all of the cross braces were taken down. A few days later, the remaining grid work was removed, and the ceilings are ready for renovation. The basement fellowship hall ceiling will be left open and painted white to provide a brighter, open space. The new narthex ceiling will be drywall. Thanks to all who disassembled the grid, took down doors, and bagged the trash. A special thank you to our doughnut donor who kept the team energized. No surprise that the doughnuts were more popular than the protein bars. Thank you as well to a couple of trash removal elves who disposed of the debris later in the week. It is always great when you don’t have to keep moving trash out of the way.
- St Thomas United Methodist Church