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Wrath & Mercy

“There is no one righteous, not even one;there is no one who understands." — Romans 3:10-11

“The law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.” — Romans 4:15

God’s wrath is righteous. We are exhorted to be slow to anger because our wrath is not righteous. But we need to be careful, and look to Christ as the example. We are not to hold anything against anyone but forgive as the Lord has forgiven us. We can start by praying daily for those who have wronged us. Our heart softens and we can love even the unlovable. They truly need Jesus, too.

If we harbor hate in our hearts, we are no better than a killer is. We are to love, as Christ loved and forgave us from the cross. We must also stand up for the Word of God. We can hate the sin without hating the sinner. When we became members of the church, we stated that we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We cannot pick and choose which parts to live by. We are to be a Christly example to the world so the Lord will continue to bless us, His church.

Sin can snowball as with King David and Bathsheba. David looked with lust, that led to adultery which, when exposed, then led to murder. After deep repentance God restored him but not without consequences. We struggle with anger and need to forgive others and ourselves. Like King David, we cry out for mercy to the only one who can heal, forgive and restore us. And God gives us every chance to turn back to Him and away from our sinning.

Jesus was the ultimate portrayal of God’s mercy. He satisfied the obligation of the law as the sinless sacrifice on the cross. John 3:16 tells us that by sending us his son, God revealed the perfect act of mercy for those who believe.

How can we serve God showing mercy and compassion? He wants us to honor Him with good service. There are many ways: feeding the hungry, offering clothing, shoes, ministering to the homeless, assistance for the needy, prayers, phone calls and sharing our faith. Faith without works is dead. Let us be the hands and feet of Christ, and progress from people of wrath to people of service. Love as He first loved us.

Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we have unrighteous anger and hold resentment: heal us from this. Help us to love and serve in this world showing the love of Jesus as we go. Thank you for being our advocate and intercessor – for your divine mercy and forgiveness. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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